From the iconic sword to the exotic whip, weapons come in all shapes andsizes with varying ways of being defined.


A makeshift sword used by Youndae warriors, later issued as a military standard. The metal used in making these are toxic for all life forms.


Once a sword of great warrior got detached from the hilt. The dark power engulfed the forged unique metal and gave rise to a weapon of mass murder and doom.


Grudgeraj is unique weapon in that they are highly versatile and can fulfilthe requirements for powers that require two one-handed weapons.


The dark staff that stands as utter manifestation of gore and hopelessness.Built to harness the power to Nuidai crystal to unleash maximum devastation.


Bulky and best suited for close combat which packs deadly damage. The fleshshasher is complete in itself for the wounds it inflict.


A typical heavy weight battle sword, that all kishkinda warriors have trained and perfected. The balance of agility to damage makes it a great weapon for young soldiers.


A swift light weight sword with great magical enchantments. A fast attack weaponwhich can pair greatly with a shield.


The Destroyer are a set of pistol – like firearms that shoot out yellow blasts. With its shots giving it decent range, the Destroyer can combo and knock around opponents while stillkeeping some distance away from its user.


This mega-sized baton is forged in the hottest inferno of Tosadvi, only a few of themwere ever made via unknown methods.


These are generally sharp pointed objects similar to axes with a higher than average critical damage multiplier, however their hooked nature is useful for disarming opponents.


A curved blade mounted on the end of a short handle, axes are used most often by executioners for their well-known ability to deal more damage with a single well-placed strike.


Ease of use to damage ratio of this weapon is almost outstanding. This projectile is renowned for its concealability.


This mega-sized baton is forged in the hottest inferno of Tosadvi, only a few of themwere ever made via unknown methods.


These are generally sharp pointed objects similar to axes with a higher than average critical damage multiplier, however their hooked nature is useful for disarming opponents.

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